Time flies.....
I remember when i was kid, my dad used to take me to an open-air stadium for count down. I was very short. My dad carried me on his shoulder so that i can have a nice view of what was happening. Mom kept on screaming and yelling to my dad and warned him not to carry me too high. When the fireworks blasted in the sky and everyone was shouting like a maniac, I followed what they did. Memories are so beautiful......
Now I'm 16. I had a good life, a bunch of lunatic friends, a few enemies and a good career. What I'm hoping is everyone will stay happy and healthy forever...
The world keep spinning
Sunrise and sunset
People are born every second
People die every second
No matter whoever you are, you can't stop those things from happening...
Life's a journey without end. Appreciate every passer-by and beautiful moments. These are things that make your life beautiful and different from others. Face all problems with bravery. Never try to end up your life as a lot of people is fighting to live. This is really a wonderful world. If I'm going away one day, i will never regret as i have seen many things and experienced them.....
Appreciate life! Make this world a wonderful place for everyone!!