
Sunday, October 18, 2009


We cannot solve life's problem except by solving them...

This statement may seem idiotically tautological or self-evident, yet it is seemingly beyond the comprehension of much of the human race. This is because we must accept responsibility for a problem before we can solve it. We cannot solve problems by saying "It's not my problem". We cannot solve problem by hoping someone else will solve for us. The only way we can solve problems is to say "This is my problem and it's up to me to solve it". But many, so many, seek to avoid the pain of their problem by saying to themselves :"This problem was caused me by other people or by social circumstances beyond my control, and therefore it is up to other people or the society to solve this problem for me. It is not really my problem"

One of my friend got addicted to alcohol in the beginning but he denied that he was an alcoholic, or even that his use of alcohol was a personal problem. He kept on saying that this town would drive anyone to drink. His drinking continued and this made him separated from his girl-friend.

And lately, i saw him in town again. He gave me a shocked when i first saw him in front of me. A perfectly talented, good looking guy in his teens is now a drug addict. I approached him and ask him why he had done this to himself.
'To kill myself of course'
'Why do you wanna kill yourself then?'
'Because no one gives a damn and i can't stand this sickening life anymore'
He began to cry in a whining sort of way. 'I don't have any friends. I'm all by myself all the time. I lived in a stupid housing area and none of them even care about me.'

I glared at him and ask:" Is that their problem to care about you? You should be handling your own life and you have to be responsible. Although you control your own life, but you don't have the power to end up your own life and the thing you are doing now is against the law'. He rose his voice. 'Are you my friend? Why don't you just support me for what i am doing now?'

'At first, you are an alcoholic and it's ok to me. But then you 'improved'. You are once my friend and you always are. I had the responsibility to lead you to the right pathway.'

He broke down into tears and promised me to change. Frankly, i don't really put much hope on him. I knew him well, maybe too well.........


  1. perfectly being put into words~
    i gez tht book really influenced u~
    or did it?

  2. lol, i guess i forgot his name~ ^^
