Well well..Let's go down the memory lane.
12/12/2009(D-music Live band concert)

That's me

Kau tahu betapaku sayang padamu~Singing Belaian Jiwa with Mr. Wayne

Brothers forever(Eric was not with us T.T)

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27/12/2009(Ipoh Trip)

My dad said this pic reminds him about Christopher Reeves~

Posing under the glaring sun..speechless~
I would like to say thanks you to my fans who supported me during 12/12. Thanks for the flowers you guys gave me especially the unknown girl. Hope 2010 will be a better year and less disasters~
Wish all of you out there Happy New Year 2010!
guess wat, i juz realized u hav really long fingers~ i mean not in the way u think~ bt seriously~ either its d cam, d angle d photo was taken, or its juz my eyes~ ^^
it's my finger's problem..my finger is longer then normal human..maybe i play too much piano and guitar d~many people call me long finger monster..lolz